Mors enkle osteform med rabarbra

Recipe for mums easymade cheesecake with rhubarb in english at the bottom of the page.👇🏾

Bakt ostekake med frukt og  uten mel er en populær dessert hjemme hos oss.  Lettvint, velsmakende og perfekt når man skal være mange. Oppskriften kan lett halveres og frukten kan varieres med bær, epler, pærer, plommer osv.

Her er samme dessertkaken med sitron, vaniljekesam og blåbær



Mors enkle osteform med rabarbra

Personer: 8-12


  • 6 egg
  • 2 dl sukker
  • 600 g (2 beger) kesam
  • 500 g ricotta
  • 5 ss maisenna
  • 1 ts vaniljesukker
  • 3 – 4 stenger rabarbra i biter
  • 3 ss sukker

Slik gjør du

  1. Forvarm ovn til 175°C
  2. Bland egg og 2 dl sukker i en bolle og visp i 1 minutt. Tilsett kesam, ricotta, maisenna og vaniljesukker. Rør alt sammen til en jevn røre. Hell røren i en god smurt paiform eller kakeform som er ganske tett (røren er litt flytende). Vend rabarbra i 3 ss sukker og fordel frukten forsiktig jevnt utover ostemassen. Røren er tynn og rabarbraen kan lett synke litt, men det gjør ikke noe. Bak på nest siste hylle i ca. 45 minutter. Avkjøl i minst 3 timer før servering. Dryss gjerne litt melis over kaken.

Mums easymade cheesecake with rhubarb, 8-12 persons

This is a popular dessert in our family. Baked cheesecake with fruit and without flour. Easy, tasty and perfectly if you are serving a crowd. The recipe can easily be halved and the fruit can be varied with berries, apples, pears, plums , etc. . .


6 eggs
2 dl sugar
5 tablespoons cornstarch
600 g quark
500 g ricotta
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
3 – 4 rhubarb stalks
3 tablespoons sugar


Preheat oven to 175 ºC

Mix sugar and eggs in a bowl and whisk for 1 minute. Add the quark, ricotta, cornstarch and vanilla sugar. Stir everything together until smooth. Pour batter into a greased pie dish or cake tin. Turn rhubarb in 2 tablespoons of sugar and spread the fruit gently and evenly on the batter. The rhubarb can easily sink a little, but that doesn´t matter. Bake at 175 ºC on the penultimate shelf for 45 minutes. Cool for at least 3 hours before serving. Sprinkle with powdered sugar


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    Marzena 3. oktober 2016 (00:40)

    Aicha, I am in love with your Instagram and your website. I found it totally by accident, admiring your colorful beet photo on Nigella Lawson site. Your photography is beyond words. I spent good part of this Sunday afternoon admiring your work, your beautiful creativity and your recipes. This cheesecake caught my attention and I will make it this weekend as we are celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada and this treat will be perfect for my husband and I plus we’ll take portions to share them with our friends when we go day sailing on our lake Ontario. I really appreciate translating lots of the recipes to English, thank you for that. What is ‘600 grams of quark’ I am sorry I don’t know what that is. Would appreciate a hint, thank you.
    With kind regards,

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      Aicha Bouhlou 3. oktober 2016 (11:57)

      Thank you very much Marzena. It is always inspiring for me to receive this beautiful, generous feedbacks. Quark /kvark is often used i German cheesecakes . It is a creamy styled fresh cheese like ricotta. But you can also use Philadelphia cream cheese for the recipe.
      Good luck with the recipe my dear


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    Marzena 3. oktober 2016 (00:40)

    Aicha, I am in love with your Instagram and your website. I found it totally by accident, admiring your colorful beet photo on Nigella Lawson site. Your photography is beyond words. I spent good part of this Sunday afternoon admiring your work, your beautiful creativity and your recipes. This cheesecake caught my attention and I will make it this weekend as we are celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada and this treat will be perfect for my husband and I plus we’ll take portions to share them with our friends when we go day sailing on our lake Ontario. I really appreciate translating lots of the recipes to English, thank you for that. What is ‘600 grams of quark’ I am sorry I don’t know what that is. Would appreciate a hint, thank you.
    With kind regards,

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      Marzena 3. oktober 2016 (00:42)

      Sorry, this wasn’t meant to appear twice, I cannot read Norwegian and this is the obvious result of that:(

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