Mors osteform med plommer

Recipe for flourless cheesecake with plums in english at the bottom👇🏾

Prøv også samme oppskriften med rabarbra eller blåbær.

Try also the same recipe with rhubarb or blueberries.



Mors osteform med plommer

Personer: 8 - 12


  • 200 g + 2 ss sukker
  • 6 egg
  • 600 g (2 beger) vaniljekesam
  • 500 g ricotta
  • 5 ss maisenna
  • 1 liten økologisk sitron, saften og 2 ts revet sitronskall
  • ca 400 gram plommer

Slik gjør du

  1. Forvarm ovnen til 175°C
  2. Bland egg og sukker i en bolle og visp i 1 minutt. Tilsett kesam, ricotta, maisenna, sitronsaft og skall. Rør alt sammen til en jevn røre. Hell røren i en smurt paiform. Vend plommer i 2 ss sukker og fordel frukten forsiktig jevnt opp på ostemassen. Røren er tynn og plommene kan lett synke litt, men det gjør ikke noe. Stek på nest nederste rille i ca. 45 minutter. Avkjøl i minst 3 timer før servering. Dryss gjerne litt melis over kaken.

Flourless cheesecake with plums, serves 8 - 12

This is a popular dessert in our family. Baked cheesecake with fruit and without flour. Easy, tasty and perfectly if you are serving a crowd. The recipe can easily be halved and the fruit can be varied with berries, apples, pears, plums , etc. . .


6 eggs
2 dl sugar
5 tablespoons cornstarch
600 g quark
500 g ricotta
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
1 lemon, juice and 2 teaspoons lemon rind
400 grams plums


Preheat oven to 175 ºC

Mix sugar and eggs in a bowl and whisk for 1 minute. Add the quark, ricotta, cornstarch, vanilla sugar., lemon juice and lemon rind. Stir everything together until smooth. Pour batter into a greased pie dish or cake tin. Flip plums in 2 tablespoons of sugar and spread the fruit gently and evenly on the batter . The rhubarb can easily sink a little, but that doesn´t matter. Bake at 175 ºC on the penultimate shelf for 45 minutes. Cool for at least 3 hours before serving.

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