Hummus med spinat og egg

Hummus with spinach and egg recipe in english at the bottom of the page👇🏾

Basisoppskrift for hummus finner du her: #belgvekster


Hummus med spinat og egg

Personer: 2


  • 1 porsjon hummus fra basisoppskrift
  • 200 g fersk spinat
  • 1 fedd hvitløk, finhakket
  • Olivenolje
  • 2 egg
  • Litt fetaost

Slik gjør du

  1. Lag hummus.
  2. Fres hvitløk rask i litt olivenolje. Tilsett spinatbladene og snu dem til bladene faller sammen. Smak til med salt og pepper. Stek eller kok eggene. Bre hummus utover et fat , drypp litt olivenolje over og legg spinat, egg og fetaost opppå hummusen og server med godt brød.

Hummus with spinach and egg. Serves 2


1 box (approximately 240 g ) pre- cooked chickpeas
1 -2 tablespoons water from the chickpeas
2 tablespoons tahini
1 clove garlic , crushed
1 teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoons lemon juice l
Extra virgin olive oil

200 g fresh spinach
1 garlic clove, chopped
Olive oil
2 eggs
Parsley and mint, chopped
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1 lemon, juice
Feta cheese


Mix chickpeas (without water), tahini, garlic , cumin , and lemon juice . Run everything to puree in food processor or with blender, add some water from the chickpeas you have saved. Hummus should have a soft consistency. Season with salt.

Saute garlic quick in a little olive oil. Add the spinach leaves and turning them until leaves fall together. Season with salt and pepper. Fry or boil the eggs. Have hummus on a plate, drizzle with olive oil and add spinach, egg and feta on top of the hummus and serve with good bread.


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